Trout (Wildlife Series)
Trout (Wildlife Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Great addition to any trout fisherman's library. A unique compilation by some of North America's foremost fishery personnel, biologists, and conservationists. Of ultimate relevance to anglers and naturalists alike, covering trout ancestry, physiology, environment and habits. The book is divided into the following sections and chapters; what a trout is - the ancestry of trout, genes, the beauty of trout (meristic characters), inside the trout, senses and atxes; life as a trout - view from an observation tank, spawning and development, food and feeding behaviour (foraging sites, rogue trout, competition), migration, anadromous trout, life and death, trout as prey, pollution's effects; the trout's environs - aquatic conditions (temperature niches, 'warmwater' trout, fluctuating temperatures, faster growth), streams and rivers, tailwaters, lakes, the Great Lakes, oceans and estuaries, weather extremes (anchor ice); the species - Apache trout, Arctic charr, brook trout, brown trout, bull trout, cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden charr, gila trout, golden trout, lake trout, Mexican golden trout, rainbow trout, steelhead (dissolved oxygen, temperature); the future of trout - endangered species, why stock?, why not stock? and stewardship.From reader reviews:
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