Saturday, 21 November 2015

PDF⋙ Luke (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament) by Mikeal C. Parsons

Luke (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament) by Mikeal C. Parsons

Luke (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament)

Luke (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament) by Mikeal C. Parsons PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Paideia: Critically Acclaimed Commentaries from Today's Top Scholars

"With this outstanding commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament adds another stellar volume. This lucid, concise commentary displays the distinctive strengths that Mikeal Parsons has brought to a distinguished career as scholar and author. With a keen eye for the literary artistry of Luke's narrative, impressive knowledge of Luke's cultural environment, and an ear carefully tuned to the rhetorical design and impact of this Gospel, Parsons provides a reliable guide for readers of Luke. I am pleased to give this book my enthusiastic endorsement."
--John T. Carroll, Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, Virginia

"Since his groundbreaking Departure of Jesus in Luke-Acts in 1987, Mikeal Parsons has been a leading voice in Lukan studies, and this outstanding Paideia commentary marks his latest important contribution to the field. Rich with illustrations and informative sidebars, this text not only explores the first-century literary, rhetorical, historical, cultural, and theological contexts of the Lukan narrative but also carefully interprets the final form of Luke section by section and distills critical theological issues raised by the Lukan text. No one is better suited than Parsons for the task of creating such a multifaceted commentary on the Gospel of Luke, and he delivers an innovative and helpful work--brilliant yet succinct and accessible."
--David B. Gowler, Oxford College of Emory University

"Parsons deftly navigates through Luke's Gospel, attending to its rhetoric, theology, historical context, and interpretive history. His rich engagement with the text itself makes this companion volume to his Acts Paideia commentary a welcome read."
--Brittany E. Wilson, Duke University Divinity School

"Parsons's Paidea commentary on Luke adds to the growing appreciation of the literary and rhetorical environment in which the Gospels were written. Working with a rich understanding of ancient literature and rhetorical education, Parsons leads the modern interpreter to a richer appreciation for the context of this Gospel. This will certainly be an important volume for readers of both Luke and the Gospels in general."
--Mark A. Matson, Milligan College

"Filled with rich interdisciplinary and intertextual insights, Luke is vintage Parsons: tersely brilliant."
--David P. Moessner, Texas Christian University

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