The Lilith Monographs: Volume 1: Immaculata by Joshua Seraphim
The Lilith Monographs: Volume 1: Immaculata by Joshua Seraphim PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Thousands of years of legends....awakened. Lilith...A cult of devotees worships Her masks in dozens of cultures; they may or may not even know the allegiance they profess. Many who have been seduced by the legends and secret sacrifices of this goddess feel compelled to ask...Is Lilith real? Lilith is as real to Her devotees as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Moses, Muhammad, or Buddha to their acolytes. Is She a quasihistorical figure concocted by the wild scriptures of prophets and Magi, an earth-goddess of fertility and terror celebrated by the Pharaohs with blood? Can one prove Lilith walked the earth or is real? No. Just as scriptures and hieroglyphs uncover legends of religious characters such as Jesus Christ and Moses, thus do we have apocrypha scattered across cultures from bygone testaments of Ur, Akkad, and Babylon, kept hidden within the papyri of Egypt's Magi, to the sacred cremation grounds of India, finally deep within rogue monasteries in the Tibetan Himalayas. Lilith's words remain hidden. The Lilith Monographs series presents to you Her near-whispers beckoning you to edge of lust, love, and sanity.From reader reviews:
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